Sep 8, 2011


T.I. was sent back to jail two days after being released to finish the remainder of his sentence in a half way house. The reasoning for the sudden change has been unclear, until now.
Originally it was thought the reason T.I. was back in federal custody for having his tour bus pick him up, but prison officials believe it's because of who was on the bus with him.
According to the incident report when T.I. was released from prison on August 31, he was under specific instructions to be transported to his halfway house -- where he would serve the remaining 30 days of his sentence -- but he could ONLY travel with his wife ... and he wasn't allowed to conduct business on the bus.
But prison officials say T.I. also had his manager, along with 2 VH1 producers on board. Prison officials believe T.I. and his crew were yakking about his reality show as well as a book -- a violation of the rules.

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